I am not the best at documenting all of the baby firsts. Jack has already rolled over, smiled, started crawling and has cut his first tooth plus 3 others. He gets around pretty good, but doesn’t walk yet. He loves to wave, dance and play with Henry. He has said his first words and is starting to make sounds and point for things he wants. I don’t know when they all happened, they just did.
It’s not a big deal though, because if I decided to document all of these things when they actually happened, the rest of my kids would be mad and I would have to listen to them whine to me about how “it’s not fair” and why didn’t I keep track of all of the things they did when they were babies.
Where am I going with all this? Well, I cut Jack’s hair today (his first haircut) and then gave him a bath to wash off all of the little hairs stuck to him. He was all clean and dressed so I decided to take pictures of him. So now I have at least documented one of his firsts.
He just turned 11 months old. He is a pretty happy little guy.
Henry has a little backpack that he fills with toys and then he puts on his jacket and boots and tells me that he is going to school. I guess I will have to decide what he is going to do this fall – Joy School anyone?
Since Church now starts at 11:00 am, it has thrown a wrench into our Sunday nap schedule. We are getting used to it now, but at the beginning of the month Henry would fall asleep on Steve’s lap. One Sunday Henry wasn’t quite awake when we put him on the bench, and he slid forward and knocked his head on the bench in front of us. He got a nice rug burn on his forehead. I don’t think it hurt him, because he didn’t really cry, but it looked awful. It used to be worst than this.
Well folks, that’s it for January – Hopefully Feb is filled with just a touch more excitement and adventure.