Sunday, April 24, 2011

Just Some Easter Pics

Things have been pretty slow around here for the last month. Not much to write about. Spring has come and gone several times, but never actually stayed for any length of time. It’s been rainy and cold for the most part with a little snow here and there. Every once in a while, the sun makes an appearance and we get excited, but it’s short lived. The clouds soon come rolling in and we have to head indoors.

Steve and I took a trip to Vegas at the end of March. It was nice to get away and enjoy a little bit of sunshine. As always we spent too much money, and ate too much food. However, I got some new shoes out of the deal, and we had fun hanging out with my sister. We even decided to go see Donny and Marie at the Flamingo. That was interesting!

Our spring break was pretty dull. We hit the Kamas pool on Monday, but then Libby came down with some horrible illness, and so we spent the rest of the week under quarantine – no kids in or out. I’m not sure what she had, but luckily nobody else came down with it, so that’s a plus.

We had a pleasant Easter weekend. Lots of chocolate, but I have a new favorite saying - “Whatever the question, Chocolate is the answer!”

Here are some pictures of the kids in their new spring duds.

Jon and Tom

Hannah and Libby 

Henry and Jack

I have a new favorite picture of Jack – It makes me laugh every time I look at it.


It’s not the greatest, but I love the double chin with the neck tie and the facial expression – he makes faces like this all of the time that crack us all up.

Well, that’s it – Happy Eaaster!


Heather said...

That picture made me laugh out loud. Your boys look suave and your girls look beautiful. Happy Easter.

Natalie said...

That is a great picture of Jack! All of your kids are so very cute in their Easter outfits!