Thursday, February 25, 2010

February – Exciting After All

We stayed pretty busy in February, and I think it went by quickly. I thought this month would be less than average, but it turned out to be full of adventure.

The potty training was quite exciting for the first week, but then the novelty wore off, and Henry really didn’t care if he accidently peed in his underwear – and now, neither do I. I will try again later.

Jonathon had a major Science Project due this month. Steve thought it would be fun for Jonathon to try out a Mythbusters theory. They drilled dimples into PVC rockets to see if they would travel faster than non dimpled ones.



They decided to call the project “Lucy In the Sky With Dimples”

Today I found out that he is going to the District level with 26 others. I think I will play the Proud Mom Card – He worked hard on the project, but I didn’t think he would actually be one of the winners!


On the 18th, we had our annual Blue and Gold Banquet to raise money for our scouts, and this year I only made one cake. I think this is why I didn’t totally hate the day of the Blue and Gold. I even kept my house clean so that Steve didn’t come home to a HAZARDOUS WASTE DUMP like the previous years.

DSCN0981 Yes, it was a hot POPCOM cake – the red gel got carried away.

I’m going to stop here, because the next two posts might be lengthy and I would hate to bore you to tears.

Stay tuned for Jack’s Birthday and Hannah’s Destruction.


HK said...

Tell Jonathon congratulations! That is a big accomplishment. Cute cake! I miss the cake auction, it was always fun.

Danielle said...

Yay for Jonathon and Lizzie! Very cool.