Friday, June 13, 2008

Pop Art

I am currently serving as the Cubmaster. This past week, I have been busy getting ready for 2 Day Camps. Each task that I had on my short list multiplied until I had a list 5 miles long. So I was not very helpful when my children came to me saying they were bored. When Hannah asked me if she could play with my big box of craft sticks, I answered with an automatic "No." Of course, she didn't listen, but she did stop bothering me for a while. Here is what she came up with. The funny thing is, if I had said, "Here guys, play with this box of Popsicle sticks - It'll be fun." They would have said that it was a stupid idea and that there was nothing to do. I suppose I should just be glad that she didn't glue them to the rug.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Why are things always more fun when there is the element of mischief?